Friday, November 27, 2009

Let's start at the very beginning.

a very good place to start.

that is, i've finished book one and moved on to the second! and in the transition time, i figured out part of Do-Re-Mi from the sound of music. that's why the title is so appropriate :)

working on the ska song for christmas spectacular. not easy, but not too hard either. gotta be very persistent with that sucker!

in other news, i was able to get book three for free from kendra's place, because her sister used to play. i hear kaci won't miss it. so hooray for that.

1.5 hours. 1000 hours seems far away, and yet i feel so accomplished so far. praise God for helping me with all of this!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 45+ hours... that's over a full-time job's week worth of work. Nice! And I liked the title of this entry... cuz i do love the sound of your music. <3!
